The Police Officer Wellness Evaluation Response© (P.O.W.E.R.) Survey

Please take a few minutes to take the Police Officer Wellness Evaluation Response© (P.O.W.E.R.) Survey. It takes about 5 minutes, is completely confidential, and is for LEO’s ONLY. They need your help to spread the word as they are looking for 1,000 responses.

CLICK HERE to link to the survey

The Police Officer Wellness Evaluation Response© (P.O.W.E.R.) Survey is designed to collect data and measure “holistic wellness” of law enforcement personnel nationwide. This multi-dimensional approach will address: physical wellness, emotional wellness, psychological wellness, and spiritual wellness. Each area of wellness, though independent, work interdependently, to provide a better… understanding of the multi-dimensional individual. This confidential survey instrument will be used to collect and report broad data concerning holistic wellness of officers. No names, departments, or other personally identifying information will be used or distributed. Survey participation is completely voluntary. It is the hope of the survey developer, Dr. Olivia Johnson that issues of holistic wellness become and remain a focal point of all law enforcement agencies, police personnel, and police families.

All study participants will have access to the final survey results upon completion of the survey. Results will be made available at and

Please contact Dr. Olivia Johnson with any questions or concerns CLICK HERE TO EMAIL DR. JOHNSON or by phone (618) 791-9146. A special thanks to Elizabeth Willman, MS, CSAC, CSIT, and Pastor Ron Woods for their individual contributions to the survey and to the officers who participated in the pilot study in order to validate the survey instrument.

On behalf of the National Police Suicide Foundation and Blue Wall of Silence, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking the time to complete this survey; without your participation this would not be possible. Lastly, it is our hope that the data collected will benefit the law enforcement community in a positive and meaningful way.

Dr. Olivia Johnson,
Illinois State Representative
National Police Suicide Foundation

About Dr. Olivia Johnson: During her research on police safety issues, Dr. Olivia Johnson discovered the leading cause of officer death was not accidents or homicide, but suicide. This compelled her to refocus in the area of officer suicide. Due to her research was named the Illinois State Representative for the National P.O.L.I.C.E. Suicide Foundation. In March 2010, she earned her doctorate degree in Organizational Leadership Management from the University of Phoenix – School of Advanced Studies. In June 2010, she was invited to speak at the Beyond Survival Toward Officer Wellness (BeSTOW) Symposium sponsored by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Behavioral Science Unit. Dr. Johnson is a former police officer and currently collaborates with The Journal of Law Enforcement and The Journal of Global Health Care Systems as an author/editor, and is a member of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA).

CLICK HERE to link to the survey

Very Quick easy to answer questions that should only take you a couple of minutes. Thanks for your help!

CopsAlive is written to prompt discussions within our profession about the issues of law enforcement career survival. We invite you to share your opinions, ask questions and suggest topics for us in the Comment Box that is at the bottom of this article.

At The Law Enforcement Survival Institute (LESI) we train law enforcement officers to cope with stress and manage all the toxic effects and hidden dangers of a career in law enforcement.

Our “Armor Your Self™: How to Survive a Career in Law Enforcement” on-site training program is an eight hour, hands-on, “How to” seminar that helps police officers and other law enforcement professionals armor themselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to survive their careers in police work. To learn more CLICK HERE

The concept of “True Blue Valor™” is where one law enforcement officer has to muster the courage to confront a peer who is slipping both professionally and personally and endangering themselves, their peers and the public. It takes a system of organizational support and professional leadership to support and foster the concept of courage and intervention. We will train your trainers to deliver this program to your agency.
To learn more CLICK HERE

Our “Armor Your Agency™: How to Create a Healthy and Supportive Law Enforcement Agency” Program includes critical strategies that you will need to build a system of support and encouragement for a healthy and productive agency. To learn more CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE to read more about The Law Enforcement Survival Institute.

CLICK HERE if you would like to contact us to learn more about training for your organization.

I’m John Marx, Founder of The Law Enforcement Survival Institute and the Editor of Connect with me on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. was founded to provide information and strategies to help police officers successfully survive their careers. We help law enforcement officers and their agencies prepare for the risks that threaten their existence. Thank you for reading!

About Editor

John Marx was a Police Officer for twenty-three years and served as a Hostage Negotiator for nineteen of those years. He worked as a patrol officer, media liaison officer, crime prevention officer and burglary detective. Also during his career he served as administrator of his city's Community Oriented Governance initiative through the police department's Community Policing project. Today John combines his skills to consult with businesses about improving both their security and their customer service programs. John retired from law enforcement in 2002. When one of his friends, also a former police officer, committed suicide at age 38, John was devastated and began researching the problems that stress creates for police officers. He decided he needed to do something to help change those problems and he wanted to give something back to the profession that gave him so much. He started a project that has evolved into Put simply, the mission of CopsAlive is to save the lives of those who save lives! gathers information, strategies and tools to help law enforcement professionals plan for happy, healthy and successful careers, relationships and lives.
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  1. Hi Jake,

    This is an independent survey being conducted by Dr. Johnson and the National Police Suicide Foundation. I’ve asked to be able to publicize the results as soon as the survey is completed. Please spread the word so they can get their desired 1,000 officers to respond and we will let you know what happens.

    Stay safe!

  2. Howard "Jake" Jaquay

    I’ll be very interested to see what comes from this survey, and the effort behind it. I personally have known two officers who have “eaten their gun”, know the feelings that I have regarding these tragedies, and the effect on their families and friends. Once again, thanks for the genuine commitment to those in this profession.

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