We would like to invite you to join us in January of 2014 for our CopsAlive Cruise 2014.
For the last six years some of us from CopsAlive.com have taken a cruise in January right after New Years Day. We join a group of other people who do business on the internet. Now it’s time to get ready again. Come join us!
A CopsAlive Cruise is a chance for law enforcement professionals from around the world to gather together for a combination of fun, relaxation, camaraderie, and education. As part of this group you will have a chance to meet with police officers, constables, sheriff’s deputies and other policing professionals from around the world and share your ideas and concerns about our profession. Together we will grow and forge partnerships for stronger professional and personal relationships. As a special bonus you will also be part of a larger group of internet marketers who gather on this cruise each year to help them grow and make their internet businesses more profitable. If you have a desire to learn about internet marketing this is a great place for you. Each year over 400 entrepreneurs from over 17 countries came together on this cruise and this year it is expected to grow. You will be able to participate in learning and networking sessions with… Continue reading