Research Participants Needed ASAP

UPDATE: This study has been expanded to include events within the last 10 years and the study window has been lengthened by one week! DOWNLOAD THE NEW FLYER BELOW.

The Law Enforcement Survival Institute is supporting the doctoral research project of a graduate student in the Helms School of Government at Liberty University. The purpose of this research is to explore multi-jurisdictional active shooting incident communication. We we are looking for law enforcement officers who have responded to a multiagency response active shooting within the last 5 years; it can be from any form of department (tribal, municipal, state) as long as they arrived at the scene and experienced communication of some sort (radio, talking to other departments).

To participate you will need to take:
A screening questionnaire online (2 minutes)
A scheduled encrypted interview (45-60 minutes)
Questionnaire (10 minutes on their own time)
And provide an oral narrative (15 minutes on their own time)

Deadline to participate is Friday June 28, 2024

Please pass this information along if you know someone who meets these criteria.

Thank you for your help!
