Research Participants Needed ASAP

UPDATE: This study has been expanded to include events within the last 10 years and the study window has been lengthened by one week! DOWNLOAD THE NEW FLYER BELOW.

The Law Enforcement Survival Institute is supporting the doctoral research project of a graduate student in the Helms School of Government at Liberty University. The purpose of this research is to explore multi-jurisdictional active shooting incident communication. We we are looking for law enforcement officers who have responded to a multiagency response active shooting within the last 5 years; it can be from any form of department (tribal, municipal, state) as long as they arrived at the scene and experienced communication of some sort (radio, talking to other departments).

To participate you will need to take:
A screening questionnaire online (2 minutes)
A scheduled encrypted interview (45-60 minutes)
Questionnaire (10 minutes on their own time)
And provide an oral narrative (15 minutes on their own time)

Deadline to participate is Friday June 28, 2024

Please pass this information along if you know someone who meets these criteria.

Thank you for your help!



As a graduate student in the Helms School of Government at Liberty University, I am conducting research as part of the requirements for a doctoral degree. The purpose of my research is to explore multi-jurisdictional active shooting communication and I am writing to invite you to join my study.

Participants must have responded to a multi-jurisdictional or multi-agency law enforcement active shooting within the last five years (2019+) as a sworn law enforcement officer in the United States of America.

a. Responded involves the minimum of arriving at the incident location while the
scene is still active and officers are communicating with one’s agency or a law
enforcement agency outside of one’s own on the scene.

b. Active shooting involves the act of an individual actively engaging in, or,
attempting to kill people in a confined and/or populated area with a firearm.

Participants will be asked to complete an audio-recorded initial interview, complete a personal audio-recorded narrative, and complete a questionnaire. After the interviews are transcribed, participants will complete a non-recorded audio call for to confirm accuracy of the information that was recorded. It should take approximately one hour and forty minutes to complete the procedures listed.

Names or other identifying information will be requested as part of the study
but participant identities and identifying information, including departments, will not be

To participate please complete the screening survey. You can locate the survey by using the following link:

If you meet my participant criteria, I will contact you to schedule an interview.
A consent document will be emailed to you if you meet the study criteria. The consent document contains additional information about my research. If you choose to participate you will need to sign the consent document and return it to me at the time of the interview.

Amy Schissler (Researcher)
Doctoral Candidate
Helms School of Government
Liberty University

DOWNLOAD the participant information sheet by CLICKING HERE

At LESI we believe that an effective police wellness system should be strategic, comprehensive, specific, measurable and sustainable. The LESI faculty is always available to help you build the wellness system your agency needs whether that includes building individual resilience for your people; assessing and enhancing agency support systems; developing a positive wellness culture; promoting wellness leadership practices; or all of the above, we’re available to help you so please reach out by clicking here to email or by giving us a call.

REMEMBER: Police Wellness should be a SYSTEM, not a program!


© Copyright 2024 – The Law Enforcement Survival Institute, LLC and – All Rights Reserved

Leave your comments in the box below

CopsAlive is written to prompt discussions within our profession about the issues of law enforcement career survival, health and wellness. We invite you to share your opinions, ask questions and suggest topics for us in the Comment Box that is at the bottom of this article.

At The Law Enforcement Survival Institute (LESI) we train law enforcement officers to cope with stress and manage all the toxic effects and hidden dangers of a career in law enforcement.

Our “Armor Your Self™: How to Survive a Career in Law Enforcement” is a resilience building textbook, a do-it-yourself curriculum and a training program that can be presented live, on-site, virtually or through pre-recorded learning modules. These programs help police officers and other law enforcement professionals armor themselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to build Tactical Resilience™ and survive their careers in police work. To learn more CLICK HERE. To learn about and buy the book CLICK HERE.

Our “Wellness Focused Policing Initiative” is a people focused policing strategy to promote wellness within law-enforcement first, and then to spread that sense of care, and focus on well-being, outwardly to the people served by the police. This is not a quick fix, “flavor of the month” or a band-aid solution but rather a long-term commitment to developing the comprehensive health and well-being of both law enforcement professionals AND the people they serve. To learn more CLICK HERE. To take our quick and free online survey to see where you stand now CLICK HERE.

The Tactical Resilience™ and Ethical Policing Project (TREPP) is our international initiative to promote the health and resiliency of law enforcement professionals by conditioning our people physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, as well as paying attention to strengthening their mindset, level of personal mastery, depth of their social support system sand their financial fitness. It also provides a set of tools and techniques that, replenish their spiritual health and, restores their inner peace and clarity.  TREPP is expandable to meet the needs of your community and your budget and can use training, assessments and consulting to assist you where you need it. We build human resilience, create processes to enhance agency support systems, promote a culture of wellness, and most importantly initiate community lead projects thru our Law enforcement officers as Community Action Leaders (LoCAL) initiative.
CLICK HERE to download our InfoSheet on TREPP.

The concept of “True Blue Valor™” is where one law enforcement officer has to muster the courage to confront a peer who is slipping both professionally and personally and endangering themselves, their peers and the public. It takes a system of organizational support and professional leadership to support and foster the concept of courage and intervention. We will train your trainers to deliver this program to your agency.
To learn more CLICK HERE

Our “Armor Your Agency™: How to Create a Healthy and Supportive Law Enforcement Agency” Program includes critical strategies that you will need to build a system of support and encouragement for a healthy and productive agency. To learn more CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE to read more about The Law Enforcement Survival Institute.

CLICK HERE if you would like to contact us to learn more about training for your organization.

I’m John Marx, Founder of The Law Enforcement Survival Institute and the Editor of Connect with me on Facebook, LinkedIn Twitter. and Instagram. was founded to provide information and strategies to help police officers successfully survive their careers and improve their heathy, wellness and effectiveness. We help law enforcement officers and their agencies prepare for the risks that threaten their existence. Thank you for reading!

About Editor

John Marx was a Police Officer for twenty-three years and served as a Hostage Negotiator for nineteen of those years. He worked as a patrol officer, media liaison officer, crime prevention officer and burglary detective. Also during his career he served as administrator of his city's Community Oriented Governance initiative through the police department's Community Policing project. Today John combines his skills to consult with businesses about improving both their security and their customer service programs. John retired from law enforcement in 2002. When one of his friends, also a former police officer, committed suicide at age 38, John was devastated and began researching the problems that stress creates for police officers. He decided he needed to do something to help change those problems and he wanted to give something back to the profession that gave him so much. He started a project that has evolved into Put simply, the mission of CopsAlive is to save the lives of those who save lives! gathers information, strategies and tools to help law enforcement professionals plan for happy, healthy and successful careers, relationships and lives.
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